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AI, Social Sciences and Humanities Conference

June 3 @ 10:0018:00

This is an open call for all contributions covering topics in AI, social sciences and humanities. Of special interest will be contributions covering these topics in an interdisciplinary manner, i.e., AI and social phenomena and social sciences, AI and humanities, human-centered AI, especially AI and ethics, and AI in new and future technologies.

The following should be stated in the application: (1) Name, surname, professional title, and email of the participant, (2) Name and address of the institution, (3) Title (or title and subtitle) of the topic, (4) Does the participant plan to participate with: (a) lecture summary only (b) summary and presentation of the lecture (c) summary, presentation, and entire lecture; all options (a, b, and c) will be reviewed as soon as possible and accepted, rejected or corrections requested, (5) Whether the participant plan to participate online (Zoom software will be used) or physically at the ZSEM. (6) A short author biography and a link to a publicly available bibliography (Google Scholar is fine). Applications should be sent via e-mail to Kristian Krkač at kristian.krkac@gmail.com

The deadline for applications is April 15, 2025.
The deadline for sending final versions of summaries, presentations and lecture texts is April 15, 2025.

It is planned to publish an e-publication (possibly also in printed form) with the program, all summaries, presentations, lectures, and short CVs of participants.

Scientific committee: Professor Kristijan Krkač PhD, ZSEM, Croatia, Boris Debić mag. Phys., ZSEM, Croatia, (previously Google), and Professor Borna Jalšenjak PhD, Luxembourg School of Business, Luxembourg.
Organizing committee: Ivan David Dogan MA, ZSEM, and Jana Juras, BA, ZSEM


June 3
10:00 – 18:00


Vukasovićeva 1
Zagreb, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)
+ Google Map